Turkmenbashi port and the Turkmen railway will expand cargo transportation

The railway administrations of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Türkiye are increasing cooperation in container transportation.

In the near future, the Turkmenbashi International Seaport expects to increase cargo transportation from China through Kyrgyzstan. The total volume of cargo transportation through Central Asia via the Turkmen railway, including the port of Turkmenbashi, is planned to be expanded to 400 thousand TEU containers per year.

For this period, the transit of goods through Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan has increased 4 times. Containers from China go through Kyrgyzstan for loading in Uzbekistan.

Besides that, for 8 months of 2022, 389 730 tons of cargo were transported through the port of Turkmenbashi along the Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan route. In the direction of Uzbekistan, transportation increased by 188%, and to Azerbaijan by about 7 times.