High-speed railways to Ashgabat and Avaza will be built in the city of Arkadag

The issues of laying high-speed railway lines from the city of Arkadag to Ashgabat and Avaza were discussed during the working trip of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan to the administrative center of Ahal velayat. This was reported by the State News Agency of Turkmenistan.

The Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty noted that the planned construction of a parking lot and a railway station in the city of Arkadag should comply with international requirements, taking into account the creation of comfortable conditions for residents and guests of the city. During the construction of transport and communication infrastructure facilities in a new city, special attention should be paid to the strength and durability of the materials used.

In addition, the leader of the nation noted that the issues of laying high-speed railway lines from the city of Arkadag to Ashgabat and Avaza should be carefully studied, and the railway communication connecting Arkadag with other cities of the country should meet modern standards.

At the same time, the need to create all conditions for passengers at the station planned for construction was emphasized. Berdimuhamedov focused on the construction of pedestrian and underground passages, shopping centers, as well as their improvement.

Let us remind that the city of Arkadag was named the new administrative center of the Ahal velayat, in which approximately 70 thousand people will live. It is being built on an area of 950 hectares, 30 kilometers southwest of the Turkmen capital. “Smart” residential buildings controlled via a smartphone, a square with a flagpole, the buildings of the city hall and other institutions, as well as the Ruhyyet Palace, the velayat department of education and culture, a drama theater, a library, a clinic for infectious diseases, a museum, the Higher International School of Equine Breeding, Scientific -production center of horse breeding and others. The construction of this mega-project was started in 2019. Almost 1,5 billion USD have been allocated for its implementation.