Turkmen “Demiryollary” OJSC plans to transfer the work of the personnel department to a digital basis

“Demiryollary” Open Joint Stock Company has set its sights on transferring the work of the personnel department to a digital system. In this regard, OJSC announced an open tender № DÝ/AGPJ-028 for the selection of a contractor to carry out the work of digitizing HR activities.

As reported in the newspaper “Neutral Turkmenistan”, to participate in the tender, you must submit to the “Demiryollary” OJSC, located at the address: Ashgabat, Turkmenbashi shayoly, 7:

•    an application for participation in the tender indicating the full name of the applicant for participation, his legal status and details, as well as attach to it the registration and statutory documents of the applicant, a power of attorney and a copy of the passport of the applicant's representative;

•    get the lot specification and technical requirements;

•    receive a package of tender documents. Pay 2012 manats 50 tenge (including 262 manats 50 tenge - VAT) for participation in the tender.

The account for the transfer of funds will be indicated when submitting a written application.

The deadline for submission of tender proposals is 30 (thirty) working days from the date of publication.

Phones for information: (+99312) 38-31-03, 38-31-04; fax: 38-31-03.