Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan are actively cooperating to increase transit cargo transportation

Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan are in close contact on active cooperation in the field of transit cargo transportation growth. This was announced by Deputy Director General of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Batyr Annayev.

The two countries are key points on the transit route from China to Europe – the Middle Corridor.

"Turkmenistan is making efforts to implement transit on several routes. These are the Middle Corridor, the Lapis Lazuli Corridor, and individual international projects. Recently, for example, there were negotiations between our representatives and delegations from other Central Asian countries on the CASCA+ route. Our goal is to agree as soon as possible on the unification of transportation tariffs and the establishment of railway infrastructure and container transportation for the growth of cargo transportation," Annayev said.

Baku and Ashgabat held talks on further expansion of cooperation in the transport sector.

As B.Annayev stressed, the development of transit traffic will create more opportunities for both Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan.

The two countries have many points of contact on these issues.

"I cannot fail to mention the Turkmenbashi-Baku ferry line: this route is ready to contribute to international transit," Annayev added.