Russia will continue to participate in transport projects of Turkmenistan

Russia will continue to participate in transport projects of Turkmenistan and other countries as part of the development of the international North-South route. This statement was made by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian government Alexey Overchuk, commenting on the increasing importance of the transport corridor against the backdrop of various problems in other transcontinental routes, TASS reports.

“We plan to develop roads and railways or participate in related projects in Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Iran. We are interested in the construction of the Trans-Afghan railway, and also develop maritime connections with Asian and African countries,” said a member of the Russian government.

He recalled that in 2022, Russia, together with Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Iran, introduced regular railway service with access to the Indian Ocean. For the comprehensive implementation of a large transport project, as Overchuk noted, preparations are underway to begin construction of the missing sections of railway lines in Iran.

Source: Agency of Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan