The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan made a working trip to the city of Arkadag

The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty, Honorary Elder Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to the city of Arkadag, which has become a vivid symbol of modern Turkmenistan and its achievements, in order to familiarize himself with the projects of facilities planned for construction in the new city, with the types of construction materials, as well as held a working meeting here with the participation of heads of relevant structures.

Early in the morning, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov arrived in the city of Arkadag.

Currently, the pace of construction of the second stage of development of the city of Arkadag is increasingly increasing - a vivid example of the combination of national architecture and world architectural experience, evidence of comprehensive efforts to successfully implement a large-scale urban planning program initiated by Hero Arkadag and continuing at a successful pace thanks to the efforts of Arkadagly Hero Serdar.

Here, the National Leader of the Turkmen people got acquainted with the projects and drawings for the placement of buildings planned for construction, various types of decorative materials and the lighting system. The Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of the City of Arkadag under the President of Turkmenistan D. Orazov reported on this.

Among the presented projects are the General Plan of the Children's Park of the city of Arkadag, the project of the State Museum, its interior decoration and architectural models, and options for the project of the Agricultural University complex.

Having familiarized himself with the presented projects, drawings for the placement of buildings planned for construction, and the features of decorative materials, Hero-Arkadag made a number of comments and noted that important requirements are the active use of advanced technologies and best practices in construction, modern equipment of buildings for various purposes.

First of all, the National Leader of the Turkmen people emphasized that the design of the structures of the Children's Park, planned as part of the second phase of development of the city of Arkadag, meets the needs of the younger generation. Hero-Arkadag emphasized that when installing the park's lighting system, colors and themes from folk tales that attract children should be used.

Also, students of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan should be involved in this work and their suggestions should be used. Having familiarized himself with the project of the State Museum, Hero-Arkadag made the appropriate adjustments.

Noting that the materials that will be used in the construction and finishing of the mosque in the city of Arkadag must meet modern requirements and international standards in terms of strength and durability, Hero-Arkadag emphasized that the construction work carried out must be of high quality, as in all regions of the country, special attention should be devoted to the introduction of modern best practices and innovative technologies, as well as maintaining a high environmental level here.

During his acquaintance with the projects, Hero-Arkadag noted that the combination of the principles of national architecture with the best practices of modern construction and the successful implementation of planned programs are the most important conditions for the harmonious and comprehensive development of the new city.

Recalling that as part of the second stage of development of the city of Arkadag, the construction of industrial complexes for various purposes is planned, National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that the materials used in the construction of medical cluster facilities must fully comply with local climatic conditions and high environmental standards, as well as meet the principles of national architecture, which is one of the main requirements of the time.

The emblem of the medical cluster was demonstrated to Hero Arkadag. The National Leader of the Turkmen people emphasized that special attention should be paid to the compliance of the emblem with national principles, while its image should correspond to the spirit of modernity. Hero-Arkadag instructed to carry out the appropriate work to approve it at the international level.

Then, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting here with the participation of the Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of the City of Arkadag under the President of Turkmenistan D. Orazov and the Hyakim of the city of Arkadag Sh. Durdylyev, during which the pace of construction within the second phase of development was discussed new city.

Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of the City of Arkadag under the President of Turkmenistan D. Orazov reported on the distribution of land plots for the construction of buildings and the progress of work.

Having listened to the report and focusing on the need to successfully achieve the goals, Hero-Arkadag emphasized that special importance should be given to the quality of construction of medical cluster complexes and their commissioning on time.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people noted that the construction of industrial facilities here will help strengthen the economic power of the city and create new jobs, which is one of the most important tasks of today.

Emphasizing the importance of systematic work on the active use of modern best practices in the construction of facilities and provision of production complexes with the latest equipment from the world's leading manufacturers, Hero-Arkadag said that these tasks were set by the President of Turkmenistan, and every effort must be made to successfully implement them.

Then the khyakim of the city of Arkadag, Sh. Durdylyev, informed about the activities to resettle people into new homes.

Having inquired about the supply of residential buildings in the city of Arkadag with drinking water, electricity, heat, etc., Hero-Arkadag noted that appropriate measures should be taken to ensure a happy life for new residents, having given a number of instructions in this regard to the relevant leaders.

Then the working meeting continued with the participation of heads of structures of the agro-industrial complex.

Recalling that as part of the second stage of construction of the city of Arkadag, it is planned to construct a new complex of buildings of the Agricultural University, scientific-production and research institutes, the National Leader of the Turkmen people heard reports from the leaders of the agro-industrial complex.

The rector of the Turkmen Agricultural University reported on the work being carried out at the higher educational institution and preparations for the construction of new buildings of the Agricultural University.

Also, President of Arkadagly Hero Serdar and Hero-Arkadag were expressed gratitude for the conditions created for the training of specialists.

Hero-Arkadag emphasized the importance of clearly organizing the activities of the administrative structure of the higher educational institution that is planned to be built in the new city, and gave a number of specific instructions on this issue. The compliance of the administrative and economic work of the agricultural university with the requirements is of great importance, Hero-Arkadag continued. Efforts should also be made to ensure that students continuously develop, mastering modern technologies, science and digital systems.

The Minister of Agriculture reported on large-scale measures to organize the activities of scientific-production, research centers for agriculture and grain growing in the country in accordance with the requirements of the time, as well as for the active introduction of digital technologies into the structures of the industry.

Noting the importance of proper organization of the work of agricultural research institutes and establishing regular contacts between students and research centers, the Arkadag scientist ordered to keep under constant control the issues of the relationship between theoretical and practical training of students.

In this context, due attention should be paid to using the capabilities of the national satellite, developing a land cadastre, and introducing a digital system into all structures of the industry. It is also necessary to keep under constant control the conduct of seasonal agricultural campaigns on the country's agricultural lands. Of great importance for the activities of scientific and production centers and research institutes related to the agro-industrial complex is the application of advanced world experience and the expansion of international cooperation.

Emphasizing the importance of introducing the advanced achievements of modern science into the industry, the active use of scientific developments in breeding work, and establishing joint efforts between farmers and scientists, Hero-Arkadag gave a number of instructions in this regard to the relevant leaders.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahallyev, on behalf of all village workers, expressed gratitude to Hero-Arkadag and Arkadagly Hero Serdar for the attention paid at the state level to strengthening the material and technical base of the country's agro-industrial complex. The Deputy Prime Minister also noted that for the successful implementation of the tasks assigned to this area, the work of the relevant structures has been established.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people emphasized the need to use modern best practices both in the construction of the Agricultural University and in its equipment and design, giving specific instructions to the relevant leaders to study the life and work of outstanding personalities, 

who left an unfading mark in the history of the people, field workers who have accumulated vast experience, and on the issue of perpetuating their memory, erecting monuments to them.

In accordance with the Resolution adopted by the President of the country on increasing the state purchase prices for cotton and wheat, Hero-Arkadag noted that this decision was of great importance for stimulating farmers, in this regard, great efforts should be made to effectively master the modern digital system by students studying in the relevant field .

Continuing the conversation on this topic, Hero-Arkadag instructed the Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of the City of Arkadag under the President of Turkmenistan D. Orazov to establish joint work with specialists from institutions related to the agricultural industry. All this is of great importance for strengthening food abundance in the country.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan wished the participants of the working meeting great success in fulfilling the tasks assigned to them and headed to the agricultural complex of the city of Arkadag.

In the complex, built on the initiative of Hero-Arkadag, scientific and production centers for research institutes of agriculture and grain growing began operating.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people got acquainted with the equipment of the complex buildings and the conditions created here for the development of the agricultural industry on a scientific basis. Noting the need to effectively use the provided opportunities and develop the digital system, Hero-Arkadag wished all employees of the complex success in their noble cause.

Then the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan went to the Children's Health and Rehabilitation Center named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in the city of Arkadag.

Here, doctor Arkadag held a working meeting with the participation of the executive director of the Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov R. Bazarov and the director of the Children's Health and Rehabilitation Center named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov M. Okuzova.

Protecting the health of children and ensuring their harmonious development are constantly in the focus of attention of the state. All conditions have been created in the country to raise a physically and spiritually healthy young generation, which is clear evidence of the successful implementation under the wise leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov of the noble deeds begun by Hero-Arkadag.

Executive Director of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care R. Bazarov reported on the results of the Foundation’s recent activities and the results of providing medical care to children in particular need of care. As noted, during its existence the Foundation has carried out large-scale work to provide free assistance in carrying out complex operations for sick children.

Stressing that in our country work will continue in the future aimed at protecting the health of the population, including the younger generation, and ensuring the harmonious development of children, doctor Arkadag noted that an important role in this matter is given to the Charitable Foundation to assist children in need of care named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Hero-Arkadag instructed to intensify the activities carried out in this direction.

Director of the Children's Health and Rehabilitation Center named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov M. Okuzova reported on the work being done at the Center, great opportunities for restoring the health of children, and activities to constantly improve the professional level of doctors in accordance with modern requirements.

The director of the Children's Health and Rehabilitation Center expressed sincere gratitude to Arkadag and Arkadagly Hero Serdar for the construction of a modern complex and the creation of all the necessary conditions for effective activities and assured that the Center's employees will make every effort to successfully complete the tasks assigned to them.

Noting that our country attaches special importance to the health of children, doctor Arkadag emphasized that it is necessary to effectively use medical equipment in the Center’s departments, and the medical services provided must comply with generally accepted standards in world practice. At the same time, much attention should be paid to improving the qualifications of doctors and increasing the level and quality of health-improving activities.

Doctor Arkadag also approved a plan of work carried out to restore the health of children in need of help living in the velayats and the city of Ashgabat at the Children's Health and Rehabilitation Center named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Emphasizing the importance of the experience of doctors in restoring the health of children, Hero-Arkadag noted the importance of establishing coordinated work to fulfill the organizational and economic tasks of the Center in accordance with the requirements of our time.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov presented the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care with a Certificate of UNICEF Representative Office in Turkmenistan for the provision of medical services to children in need of restoration of health and contribution to strengthening their hopes for a bright future.

During the meeting, issues related to the implementation of the tasks voiced at the recent meeting of the Presidium of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan were also discussed.


Türkmenistanyň Prezidenti Türkiýe Respublikasynyň Ýolbaşçysyna «Hormatly il ýaşulysy» adyny berdi

Hormatly Prezidentimiz Serdar Berdimuhamedow Türkiýe Respublikasynyň Prezidenti Rejep Taýyp Ärdogana şanly 70 ýaş toýy mynasybetli tüýs ýürekden gutlaglaryny we iň gowy arzuwlaryny iberdi.

“Köp ýyllaryň dowamynda dürli ýokary döwlet wezipelerinde zähmet çekmek bilen, Siz ýurduňyzy yzygiderli ösdürmäge, halkyňyzyň bähbitlerini goramaga, milli strategiýalary we maksatnamalary durmuşa geçirmäge uly üns berýärsiňiz. Siziň öňdengörüjilikli baştutanlygyňyzda Türkiýe Respublikasy häzirki wagtda sebitde hem-de onuň daşynda mynasyp hormata, abraýa eýe boldy, ählumumy parahatçylygy, durnukly ösüşi üpjün etmäge mynasyp goşant goşýar” diýlip, hatda bellenilýär.

Hormatly Prezidentimiz Türkiýe Respublikasy bilen strategik we uzak möhletleýin gatnaşyklaryň dürli ugurlar boýunça yzygiderli ösdürilmeginiň we pugtalandyrylmagynyň Türkmenistanyň alyp barýan daşary syýasatynyň möhüm ugurlarynyň biridigini nygtady. Ol asyrlaryň jümmüşinden gözbaş alýan halklarymyzyň mizemez dost-doganlyk gatnaşyklaryna, taryhyň, diniň we diliň umumylygyna esaslanýar.

“Döwletara hyzmatdaşlygymyzy alyp barmakda biz hemişe “Bir millet — iki döwlet” diýen esasy ýörelgä esaslanýarys. Bu bolsa, öz gezeginde, Türkmenistan bilen Türkiýäniň ikitaraplaýyn derejede, şeýle-de halkara giňişlikde özara ysnyşykly hereket etmegi üçin berk binýat bolup hyzmat edýär.

Häzirki wagtda ýurtlarymyzyň arasyndaky syýasy-diplomatik, söwda-ykdysady, medeni-ynsanperwer we beýleki ugurlar boýunça gatnaşyklaryň döwrebap derejede kämilleşýändigini bellemek guwandyryjydyr. Syýasy hyzmatdaşlygymyzyň özara düşünişmek hem-de ösüş häsiýetine eýedigini bellemek zerurdyr. Biz Türkiýäniň Türkmenistanyň hemişelik Bitaraplyk daşary syýasat ugruny, öňe sürýän başlangyçlaryny goldaýandygyna ýokary baha berýäris. Biziň ýurtlarymyz ählumumy parahatçylygy we howpsuzlygy berkitmek, Durnukly ösüş maksatlaryna ýetmekde halkara jemgyýetçiligiň tagallalaryny birleşdirmek ugrunda yzygiderli çykyş edýärler. Bu bolsa Türkmenistan bilen Türkiýäniň halkara guramalaryň çäklerinde, ilki bilen, Birleşen Milletler Guramasynda ygtybarly we ýakyn hyzmatdaşlygynda aýdyň ýüze çykýar” diýip, döwlet Baştutanymyz hatynda belledi.

Hormatly Prezidentimiz hatynda: “Soňky ýyllarda Türkmenistanyň Türki Döwletleriň Guramasynyň işine işjeň gatnaşýandygyny bellemek isleýärin. Biz geljekde-de umumy taryha we geografik taýdan ýakynlyga esaslanýan türki halklaryň arasyndaky köptaraplaýyn hyzmatdaşlygyň guraly hökmünde bu guramanyň çäklerinde hyzmatdaşlygy ösdürmegi maksat edinýäris. Söwda-ykdysady ulgamda ýyl-ýyldan täze derejeleriň gazanylýandygyny aýtmak ýakymlydyr. Türkiýe Respublikasy Türkmenistanyň daşary söwda gatnaşyklaryny alyp barýan iň esasy ýurtlarynyň biri bolup durýar. Köp sanly türk kompaniýalary ýurdumyzda durmuşa geçirilýän ykdysady taslamalara gatnaşmak bilen, ykdysadyýetimizi diwersifikasiýa ýoly arkaly ösdürmäge we durmuş maksatly taslamalary amala aşyrmaga gatnaşýarlar” diýip nygtady.

Medeniýet, sungat, ylym we bilim Türkmenistan bilen Türkiýäniň arasyndaky gatnaşyklarda möhüm orny eýeleýär. Bu hyzmatdaşlygyň ösdürilmegi umumy medeni-taryhy mirasymyzy gorap saklamakda, dünýä ýaýmakda, türkmen we türk halklaryny ýakynlaşdyrmakda, özara düşünişmegi, ynanyşmagy berkitmekde uly ähmiýete eýedir.

“Siz Türkmenistanda ýurdumyzyň hakyky dosty, parasatly, öňdengörüji döwlet işgäri hökmünde tanalýarsyňyz we çuňňur hormata eýesiňiz. Zähmetiňize ýokary baha hökmünde Siz 2021-nji ýylda Türkmenistanyň “Hyzmatdaşlygy ösdürmäge goşandy üçin” ordeni bilen sylaglandyňyz.

Türkmen halkynyň gadymdan gelýän hoşniýetli goňşuçylyk we ýaşuly nesle hormat goýmak däplerine eýerip, türkmen-türk gatnaşyklaryny ösdürmäge bahasyna ýetip bolmajak şahsy goşandyňyzy, halklarymyzyň jebisligine, gülläp ösmegine gönükdirilen aladaňyzy göz öňünde tutup, şeýle hem şanly 70 ýaş toýuňyz mynasybetli, jenap Rejep Taýyp Ärdogan, Size Türkmenistanyň “Hormatly il ýaşulusy” diýen adyny dakmak barada karara geldik” diýip, döwlet Baştutanymyz hatynda belledi.

Hormatly Prezidentimiz Serdar Berdimuhamedow şu ýakymly mümkinçilikden peýdalanyp, ähli türkmen halkynyň adyndan Prezident Rejep Taýyp Ärdogany bu ýokary adyň dakylmagy bilen tüýs ýürekden gutlady hem-de berk jan saglyk, bagtyýarlyk, maşgala abadançylygyny, Türkiýe Respublikasynyň doganlyk halkyna bolsa parahatçylyk, mundan beýläk-de ösüş, rowaçlyk arzuw etdi.

Çeşme: Türkmenistanyň Döwlet habarlar agentligi