The President of Turkmenistan received the Deputy Chairman of the All-China Committee

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a meeting with Deputy Chairman of the All-China Committee of the People's Political Consultative Council of the People's Republic of China Shen Yueyue, who is on a visit to Ashgabat, TDH reports.

During the meeting, the head of state highly appreciated the strategic nature of Turkmen-Chinese relations. He warmly recalled his recent meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping, noting that the agreements reached had given new impetus to the further development of bilateral ties.

Particular attention was paid to the Türkmen–Hytaý zenanlarynyň dünýäsi forum held in Ashgabat, which contributed to the discussion of the role of women in the political and social life of the two countries. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that holding such events is a striking example of enriching partnership relations between Turkmenistan and China with new content.

Ms. Shen Yueyue, in turn, noted the importance of the forum for strengthening cooperation between Turkmen and Chinese women, introducing the spiritual values ​​of the two friendly peoples, bringing cultures closer together and expanding humanitarian ties in the name of peace and friendship.

During a conversation with the wife of the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, Ogulgerek Berdimuhamedova, issues of the development of Turkmen-Chinese cultural and humanitarian ties, dating back centuries, were discussed.

The parties stated that the countries successfully interact both on a bilateral and multilateral basis, including within the framework of international organizations, primarily the UN.

Turkmenistan attaches great importance to strengthening trade and economic relations with China, giving priority to cooperation in the energy sector. Cultural and humanitarian partnership is also an integral component of interstate dialogue. Many Turkmen students study at universities in China, and Chinese is taught in secondary and higher educational institutions in Turkmenistan.