New hunting rules approved in Turkmenistan

The Ministry of Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan approved new hunting rules in the country, which were developed in accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan “On Hunting and Protection of Hunting Resources.”  The document was published on the legal information portal of the Ministry of Justice.

The new rules regulate in detail the terms, places, methods and norms of hunting wild animals and birds on the territory of Turkmenistan. The document is divided into eight chapters and contains a list of permitted hunting equipment, requirements for its use, as well as penalties for violations.

According to the rules, members of the United Society of Hunters and Fishermen of Turkmenistan have the right to hunt if they have the appropriate documents, as well as individuals who have received a seasonal hunting permit or a one-time paid permit. For some species of wild animals a special one-time license is provided.

Officials from the Ministry of Environmental Protection and inspectors from the Society of Hunters and Fishers will oversee compliance with the new hunting rules. Violations are subject to administrative and criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan.

The decision to approve the new rules was made with the aim of preserving and rationally using the country’s hunting resources within the framework of the current environmental legislation.