Iconic Ford Escort Mk1 and RS200 will get a second life

The legendary sports cars Ford Escort Mk1 and RS200, which won the hearts of millions with their daring races, are returning to the roads.

But it will not be Ford itself that will revive them, but the British company Boreham Motorworks. Auto.ru reports this.

Unlike the current trend of switching to electric cars, these cars will remain faithful to gasoline engines. The creation of machines will be carried out according to original drawings, using modern technologies such as LED optics.

The new Escort Mk1 and RS200 are addressed to connoisseurs of classic and “analogue” driving, for whom not only performance is important, but also the soul and history of the car.

Prices for the new items have not yet been disclosed, but Boreham Motorworks is already accepting preliminary applications. The circulation and exact delivery dates will also be announced later.