A little-known microcar Replicar Cursor has been put up for sale in the USA

A rare 1985 Replicar Cursor microcar, a real rarity for collectors, is up for sale in the USA, auto.ru reports.

This British single-seater tricycle, designed specifically for young drivers, is almost never seen on the roads. A preserved example with minimal mileage is asking 5,5 thousand USD.

Alan Hatswell, founder of Replicar, created the Cursor with 16-year-olds in the UK wanting to learn how to drive. The microcar was designed as a stepping stone to getting a full driving licence, as it was closer to a moped than a car in its characteristics.

Despite its build quality issues and high price tag at the time, the Cursor has become a cult car for those who love unusual vehicles. Its tubular frame, fiberglass panels, and flip-up hood give it a unique look.

It is known that only about a hundred of these tricycles were produced. One of them, specimen number 37, is now available for purchase.