The President of Turkmenistan discussed nuclear safety with the head of the CTBTO

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov received the Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) Robert Floyd. During the meeting, issues of strengthening cooperation in the field of nuclear safety and monitoring were discussed, TDH reports.

Having warmly welcomed the guest, the head of state expressed confidence that Floyd’s visit will contribute to the further development of relations between Turkmenistan and the CTBTO.

Robert Floyd, in turn, highly appreciated Turkmenistan’s contribution to ensuring peace and security, noting the importance of the country’s positive neutrality. During the conversation, prospects for expanding cooperation with international organizations, including the UN, were also touched upon.

– Turkmenistan fully supports the initiatives of the international community to ensure peace, security and sustainable development under the auspices of the UN. Our country stands for disarmament, non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and ensuring universal nuclear security,” the head of state said.

Regarding issues of bilateral interaction between Turkmenistan and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization, the interlocutors noted the productive nature of the established cooperation in the field of seismology and monitoring.

“We are committed to ensuring peace and global security on the planet and are ready to provide full support in the development of cooperation with the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization,” President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized at the end of the meeting.