The President of Turkmenistan made personnel changes in the velayat etraps

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov dismissed the khyakims of several etraps of the country for failure to fulfill their duties and appointed new leaders in their places. The head of state signed the corresponding decrees on July 31, TDH reports.

According to the decrees of the President of Turkmenistan:

Orazov Perkhat Annagurbanovich was relieved of his post as khyakim of the Kaakhka etrap of the Ahal velayat. Ataev Serdar Orazmyradovich, who previously held the post of Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Water Management, was appointed in his place.

Baigeldiev Guvanchmyrat Kakalyevich was relieved of his post as khyakim of the Tejen etrap of the Ahal velayat. Guvanchmyrat Orazmyradovich Yazmyradov, who previously held the post of deputy khyakim of the Tejen etrap of the Ahal velayat, was appointed in his place.

Serdar Toraevich Khodjaev was relieved of his post as khyakim of the Esenguly etrap of the Balkan velayat. Egendurdyev Archyn Dzhapardurdyevich was appointed in his place.

Saparmyrat Ashyrovich Gylyjov was relieved of his post as khyakim of the Mary etrap of the Mary velayat. Maksat Kakabaevich Amanmyradov, who previously held the post of deputy khyakim of the Mary etrap of the Mary velayat, was appointed in his place.

Goshaev Muhammetmyrat Tagandurdyevich was relieved of his post as khyakim of the Iolotan etrap of Mary velayat. Mamiev Muhammetdurdy Rakhmatullaevich, who previously held the post of deputy khyakim of the Yolotan etrap of Mary velayat, was appointed in his place.

Agamyradov Agamyrat Berdimyradovich was relieved of his post as khyakim of the Murgab etrap of the Mary velayat. Charyev Yazmyrat Gurbangeldievich was appointed in his place.

Seyidov Astanogly Kullyevich was relieved of his post as khyakim of the Chardzhe etrap of Lebap velayat. Dzhumaev Rustam Narkulyevich was appointed in his place.