Serdar Berdimuhamedov appointed a new director of the Turkmenistan TV channel

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov appointed Gurbandurdy Begenjov as the new director of the Turkmenistan TV channel of the State Committee for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography, TDH reports.

By another Resolution, the head of state dismissed Yagmyr Nuryev from his position as head of the TV channel “for health reasons.”

It should be noted that the “Turkmenistan” TV channel was created on September 12, 2004 in order to familiarize the international community with the achievements of Turkmenistan, the transformations being carried out in the country in all spheres of state and public life, as well as in the interests of further improving the information system. The TV channel is broadcast in seven different languages: Turkmen, Russian, English, French, Chinese, Arabic and Persian.