The President of Turkmenistan addressed the participants of the international exhibition-fair “Kids Expo: everything for children”

The international exhibition-fair “Kids Expo: everything for children” starts today in Ashgabat. On this occasion, the President of Turkmenistan addressed the forum participants, TDH reports.

“Dear participants of the International Exhibition-Fair!

Dear guests!

I sincerely congratulate you on the start of the International Exhibition-Fair “Kids Expo: Everything for Children”, which was organized for the first time in white marble Ashgabat in the year of the Renaissance of the new era of a powerful state, held under the motto “The Fount of the Mind of Magtymguly Fragi”!

In independent neutral Turkmenistan - the land of a happy childhood, where the deepest desires come true and grandiose goals are achieved, children - the charming flowers of our lives - are surrounded by great care from the state. Modern preschool and school education institutions, sports, health and entertainment centers are being built throughout the country, thereby creating a favorable social environment that allows them to gain fundamental knowledge, broaden their horizons and develop the best moral traits in children.

Recognizing childhood as the most important period of a person’s life, Turkmenistan defines as priorities the comprehensive preparation of the younger generation for life in society, increasing creative initiative and skills in children, instilling in them high moral qualities, feelings of patriotism and civic solidarity.

The exhibition-fair, organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan and the Turkmen Expo company, will present products, school supplies and electronic goods for children, pupils and students. All products, both domestic and foreign, are of high quality, environmentally friendly and meet modern demands. On the sidelines of the review, specialized companies will be able to exchange experiences, thematic master classes and presentations of innovative developments will be held, which significantly increases the value of such a large-scale event.

Dear friends!

Dear guests!

Today, independent neutral Turkmenistan is consistently and successfully implementing the Sustainable Development Goals proclaimed by the United Nations. In this regard, our country actively interacts with other states and leading international structures in such key areas as modern education of the young generation, health care, protection of the interests and rights of women and children.

During the International Exhibition and Fair “Kids Expo: Everything for Children”, specialized companies will have the opportunity to present their innovative products and services. I am sure that the colorful exhibitions will arouse interest among international partners, investors and representatives of the specialized industry from different countries.

The current International Exhibition-Fair will become a landmark event in the cultural and business life of Turkmenistan, as it is not just an excellent platform for demonstrating the capabilities of businessmen, but also a kind of festive event for parents and their children.

The current International Exhibition-Fair will become a landmark event in the cultural and business life of Turkmenistan, as it is not just an excellent platform for demonstrating the capabilities of businessmen, but also a kind of festive event for parents and their children.

Dear participants of the International Exhibition-Fair!

Dear friends!

Once again, I sincerely congratulate you on the start of the International Exhibition-Fair “Kids Expo: Everything for Children”!

I wish you good health, a happy life and great success in your work!”