Students of the Turkmen oil and gas university undergo summer internship in China

This summer, students of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev are undergoing practical training at the China Petroleum University in Beijing.

The practice is carried out within the framework of Memorandums of Understanding between the Turkmen oil and gas university with the China National Petroleum Corporation and the China Petroleum University in order to train high-level specialists.

The China Petroleum University has prepared a special plan for educational and practical training, which will last until the end of August.

According to the plan, Turkmen students were familiarized with the museums, laboratories and educational centers of the China Petroleum University.

During the internship, students visited the CNPC company and its production facilities. They also took part in several short-term courses, according to the website of the Turkmen oil and gas university.

In June-July of this year, university students underwent summer internship at the production facilities of the Turkmen branch of the China National Petroleum Corporation.