The President of Turkmenistan congratulated the participants in the dutar competition “Play, Bakhshi!”

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov congratulated young dutarists on their participation in the final round of the competition of bakhshi musicians “Çalsana, bagşy!” (“Play, Bakhshi!”), which takes place as part of the competition for the “Türkmeniň Altyn asyry” award! The text of the congratulations is provided by TDH.

Dear young bakhshi!

In domestic culture, as in other areas, significant progress is being observed: the scale of measures taken to develop Turkmen culture, art and literature, replenishing them with modern works, and strengthening the material and technical base of specialized institutions is expanding.

The creative competition “Çalsana, bagşy!”, which is held as part of the competition for the award of the President of Turkmenistan “Türkmeniň Altyn asyry”, provides great opportunities for the development of national musical and song art, identifying and stimulating young bakhshis. It is noteworthy that the number of participants in this review is growing from year to year.

Over the centuries, Turkmens have created many songs. The very desire for creativity, in particular, vocal and instrumental art, is inherent in everyone’s nature. Therefore, our ancestors highly valued and revered the art of singing and music. All this is written about in the meaningful work of the National Leader of the Turkmen people “Bakhshi - the harbingers of national happiness.”

As Hero-Arkadag notes, in the soul of a Turkmen there is boundless reverence for the art of music and song and an inexhaustible love for it. Singing and music became an attribute of folk festivals. They are based on the harmony of the sounds of dutar, gidzhak and tuiduk, which can bring everyone into real delight and inspiration. And therefore, domestic performers at cultural events that take place both here and abroad, through delightful works, including instrumental ones, give listeners incomparable sensations, instilling inspiration in their hearts.

Dear bakhshi musicians!

We have the right to be proud of the luminaries of this art, who are alive in people's memory thanks to their unique works and have made a tremendous contribution to the development of the national art of music and song. Among them are Mukhy-bakhshi, Oraz Saryev, Geldi Ugurlyev, Tugur Berdinyazov, Kichi Geldimyradov, Gichgeldi Amanov, Geldimammet Orazgulyev, Oraznepes Dovletnazarov, Dovletgeldi Okdirov, Oraz Begnyyazov, Japar Khodzhanepesov, Baki Mashakov, Tuyli Otuzov, Sarman Khudayberdiev, Ban Seyitmammedov, Ryzaguly Ataev, Myrat-bakhshi, Ovezmyrat-bakhshi, Durdy Myradov, Gaigysyz Charyev. Today, the work of outstanding masters is worthily continued by young performers.

For many years, the craftsmanship of dutar making and traditional musical performing arts combined with singing, which are included in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, have captured the imagination of the peoples of the planet.

Now, in the year “The Fount of the Mind of Magtymguly Fragi”, marked by the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great thinker and poet of the East Magtymguly Fragi, the enchanting strings of the dutar sound a pathetic melody in honor of our wonderful happy era.

Dear bakhshi musicians!

Once again, I sincerely congratulate you on reaching the finals of the unique competition “Çalsana, bagşy!”, as well as on the 33rd anniversary of sacred independence!

I wish you good health, happiness and creative achievements in enriching the national art of singing and music with new works!”