Turkmenistan sees great prospects in economic partnership with Germany

Speaking at the second “Central Asia – Germany” summit, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of economic cooperation between the countries of Central Asia and the Federal Republic of Germany. He called the economy a key priority in the development of relations between regions, noting its potential to become a “locomotive” of interrelations. This is stated in the TDH message.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov identified a number of key areas for partnership, including transport and logistics, energy, industrial production, chemical industry, mechanical engineering, medicine and pharmaceuticals, agriculture, as well as developments in the field of information technology. He emphasized the need to transition to new methods of conducting joint business, based on modern requirements and demands.

The head of Turkmenistan also noted the prospects of creating joint production, service and training centers in the countries of Central Asia, as well as organizing the training of highly qualified specialists. In his opinion, the combination of the region’s favorable geographical location, its natural resources and demographic potential with the industrial and technological level of Germany opens up wide opportunities for joint work.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed confidence that economic, trade and investment cooperation in the “Central Asia – Germany” format meets the interests of all participants and has good prospects for development and expansion.