Ferrari showed off its new plant for producing electric cars

Ferrari has unveiled its new high-tech e-building plant dedicated to the production of electric vehicles. reports this.

Located in Maranello, this innovative complex of more than 40 000 square meters will be the cradle of Ferrari's latest developments, including the brand's long-awaited first electric car.

The e-building plant is designed with the environment in mind. The energy for it will be generated by more than 3000 solar panels installed on the roof, which will generate up to 1,3 megawatts of electricity.

A water recovery system, including rainwater, will be implemented in the production cycle, which will ensure minimization of the impact on water resources.

e-building is equipped with everything you need to build your own electronic components, including motors and batteries.

Ferrari's first electric car, expected to debut in 2025, will embody the brand's highest standards. The launch of mass production of electric vehicles is planned for 2026.