Grain growers of Ahal and Lebap velayats of Turkmenistan fulfilled the grain collection plan

Grain growers in the Ahal and Lebap velayats of Turkmenistan have achieved significant success by fulfilling the state plan for grain collection.

According to TDH, field workers harvested more than 400 and 310 thousand tons of wheat, respectively, exceeding contractual obligations.

Reporting on their achievements, farmers expressed gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for their support and creation of favorable conditions for the agricultural sector.

Thanks to government support, including the provision of technical services, fertilizers, high-quality seeds and plant protection products at preferential prices, as well as the purchase of modern equipment and timely payments to producers, farmers were able to achieve outstanding results in the current agricultural season.

It is noted that farmers of Balkan and Dashoguz velayats were the first in the country to fulfill contractual obligations.