BMW is testing a new electric motor from a German startup

The BMW automaker has announced the start of field tests of a new electric motor created by the Munich startup DeepDrive. Laboratory tests have demonstrated the impressive potential of the development, and now BMW is preparing to install prototypes on its cars, reports

The main innovation of DeepDrive is the simultaneous rotation of the inner and outer rotors. BMW specialists do not disclose implementation details, but note that this technology has high potential: it permits the creation of compact and energy-efficient drives.

According to the automaker, such electric motors can be used both in traditional centralized drive systems and in in-wheel motors.

Currently, in-wheel motors are not widely used due to their complexity and high cost. The development of DeepDrive could make this technology more accessible, permitting the creation of lightweight and efficient electric motors built into wheel hubs.

It is important to note that at the moment the tests of the new drive are experimental. BMW engineers have yet to study in detail the possibilities of using the development on production models.