The first voyage of the Azerbaijani tanker “Zangilan” took place in the Turkmen port

On July 17, the new tanker “Zangilan”, built at the Baku Shipyard by order of Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company (ASCO) CJSC, made its first commercial voyage. The vessel successfully delivered a shipment of Turkmen crude oil from the port of Aladzha in Turkmenistan to the Sangachal seaport of Azerbaijan, reports.

The oil delivered by the Zangilan tanker is intended for further transit via the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline, which emphasizes the strategic importance of this route for the export of energy resources.
The Zangilan tanker, officially put into operation on July 2, 2024 in Baku, with the participation of President Aliyev, is a modern vessel of a new generation. The length of the tanker is 141 meters, width - 16.9 meters. The vessel is equipped with six cargo tanks and has a total lifting capacity of 7,800 tons.

Успешное завершение первого рейса танкера «Зангилан» демонстрирует укрепление сотрудничества между Азербайджаном и Туркменистаном в сфере транспортировки энергоресурсов и открывает новые перспективы для развития морских перевозок в Каспийском море.