A project for public utilities is being implemented in Ashgabat

The Ashgabat city administration has developed a “Central Electronic System” project for institutions and enterprises providing public services, and several programs have been gradually put into operation. This was reported today, July 19, at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers in the report of Deputy Prime Minister B. Annamamedov, TDH reports.

As noted in the report, with the launch of this project, modern accounting of residential buildings, buildings, houses and citizens in Ashgabat was established. This also created the opportunity for institutions and enterprises providing public services to the population to keep records of their services electronically.

In addition, the digital services portal of the Ashgabat city administration and the “Digital City” mobile application are being gradually put into operation and constantly improved.

Utility payments provided to the population are posted on the government services portal (e.gov.tm) with the Single Window system and in mobile applications widely used in the country.

After listening to the report, the head of state noted that the capabilities of the digital system are being widely introduced in the country. Utility services provided to the population are constantly being improved. Favorable conditions are being created so that citizens can pay for services through the digital system.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, drawing attention to the importance of consistently improving the implementation of the Central Electronic System project when transferring public services in Ashgabat to a digital system, gave the Deputy Prime Minister a number of specific instructions.