More than 345 thousand tons of wheat were harvested in Mary velayat of Turkmenistan

Agricultural producers of Mary velayat fulfilled the plan for collecting food wheat, delivering more than 345 thousand tons of grain. The round-the-clock use of modern agricultural machinery contributed to the acceleration of harvesting, TDH reports.

The source notes that this result demonstrates the effectiveness of the measures of the Government of Turkmenistan to develop the country’s agricultural sector and support agricultural producers.

The state provides farmers with technical services, fertilizers, seeds and plant protection products, and also regularly purchases modern equipment from leading foreign manufacturers. Payments for delivered products are made in a timely manner. These measures contributed to achieving good results during the current harvesting campaign.

Grain growers of Mary velayat expressed gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov for his support and assured that they will continue to work to increase agricultural production volumes.