A new bus route No. 72 “Avtokombinat – Bus Station” has been launched in Ashgabat.

On July 14, a new bus route No. 72 “Avtokombinat – Bus Station” began operating in Ashgabat. The route was organized by the Ashgabat passenger motor transport enterprise "Turkmenavtoulagly" by order of the Agency of Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, this is reported on the website awtoulag.gov.tm.

Route trajectory: from the Automobile Plant along Gundogar Street, along Gurbansoltan Eje Avenue, Archabil Ring Road, with stops at the Ak Tam and Altyn Asyr markets, to the International Bus Station in the direction of A. Niyazov Avenue.

The launch of the new route is intended to improve transport accessibility for residents and guests of Ashgabat, providing more convenient and efficient movement around the city.